Headache and Migraine Treatment
Headache and Migraine Initial Assessment
Your first consultation will take 60 minutes. During the consultation, your practitioner will carry out a detailed assessment of your neck to determine if it is the cause of your headache or migraine symptoms. Your practitioner will explain your assessment and treatment process to ensure you are fully informed.
If your neck is causing or contributing to your head pain, our treatment regime incorporating the Watson Approach will begin during the first consultation.
Please arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your appointment time, so that you have time to complete our patient registration form. Take some time prior to your appointment to think about your headaches or migraines; note down your pain locations, other symptoms such as tinnitus, auras, blocked ear, dizziness or sinus symptoms. Record the pain intensity, frequency and duration. This information will help with gathering all the necessary information during your initial assessment.
Headache and Migraine Treatment
Your headache and migraine treatment will start during your initial appointment. Your follow-up appointments will each take 30 minutes, and will be with the same practitioner that initially assessed you. During these sessions, headache and migraine treatment will be carried out on the problematic vertebrae in your neck. Treatment also includes posture correction, advice on how to look after your neck and some gentle exercises for you to work on to maximise your results and maintain your progress from treatment to treatment.
You should notice a dramatic improvement in your headache or migraine symptoms within the first 4 to 5 sessions. After this time, we can reduce the frequency of your treatment and continue until you are confident of being pain free. Alternatively, you may only need further treatment if you feel your symptoms regress.
While the majority of clients achieve significant reduction or complete resolution of their headaches or migraines long term, we cannot guarantee successful outcomes for everyone.
Headache and Migraine Clinic Fees
60 minute initial assessment … $250
30 minute follow-up sessions (each) … $140
Frequently Asked Questions
I’ve tried everything, been to physio, chiro, osteopath, acupuncture but I still have migraines, how is this treatment any different?
The Watson Headache Approach is the only manual therapy technique proven to desensitise the brainstem. Our patients have described it as life changing!
Backed by 30 years of development and refinement, now available in 23 countries worldwide. Research carried out by Dean Watson has measured the activity of the brainstem in migraineurs (it is widely accepted that the underlying disorder in the migraine condition is a sensitised brainstem) during treatment of the upper three spinal joints. He demonstrated that reproduction and resolution of patients’ migraine pain DE-sensitised the brainstem – this is ground-breaking! – for the first-time treatment of neck disorders has been shown to reduce the precise cause of migraine. 80-90 % of our patients experience significant reduction or cessation of their migraines following 4-5 treatment sessions. We believe that all patients who suffer from headache and migraine should have their necks examined by an experienced Watson practitioner to ‘rule in’ or ‘rule out’ the upper neck as a cause of brainstem sensitisation.
I live out of town, how do I best fit my treatments in around work, travel and what’s best for my neck?
We often treat patients from outside of Auckland. Ideally, we would schedule 4-5 treatment sessions 3-4 days apart, however for people out of town we often suggest coming up and having 3 appointments over 1 week, or coming for 2 consecutive long weekends having a treatment on a Friday and Monday.
I have been diagnosed with menstrual migraine, so if my hormones are the problem, how could this treatment work for me?
Research has proven that the hormonal profile in women with menstrual migraine is no different from those women who don’t have migraines. We know that the drop in oestrogen leading up to the start of the menstrual cycle causes more excitability/ sensitisation in the brainstem. Oestrogen is one factor that can cause sensitisation of the brainstem, but there are other sesitising factors, the neck being an obvious one. We want to determine whether your neck is contributing to your brainstem sensitisation. On assessment, if we can reproduce familiar migraine pain from your upper neck, we rule in your neck involvement. Once the upper neck dysfunction has been treated by the Watson Approach normal hormonal fluctuations are usually not enough on their own to trigger menstrual migraine any longer.
How many sessions will I need?
Most people need 4-5 sessions delivered over 2-3 weeks. Each session builds on the last, and we expect to see improvement after the first 1-2 sessions. The number of sessions needed may vary, patients with very stiff necks, may need more while others will need less.
How long are the sessions?
The first appointment takes 60 minutes, allowing time to assess your neck for reproduction of familiar head pain, start treatment and provide you with important education and information.
Can children be treated with the Watson Approach?
Yes, the Watson Approach is suitable for patients of all ages, from childhood to old age. In our clinic the youngest patient we have treated is 8 and the oldest 85 years old. This treatment is also safe for pregnant women.
What happens during a Free phone consultation?
Firstly, we like to have some background information on your recent migraines, their frequency, pain location, other symptoms/aura, intensity, frequency and any history of concussion or injury to the neck. We will ask you about your work and lifestyle and try to ascertain whether your neck is playing a role in brainstem sensitisation. We will then tell you about what we do and how we can help. It’s a good time to answer any questions you may have and discuss treatment.
Does ACC cover this treatment?
If you have an ACC claim for a neck injury and this has caused or contributed to your headaches or migraines, then ACC will contribute approximately $40 to $50 towards each session.
Can I use my medical insurance towards treatment costs?
If you have medical insurance with Physiotherapy included in your policy, then you can use your annual allowance to help pay for your treatment. We have Southern Cross Easy Pay available and can check your policy for you at the time.
Can I pay by credit card?
Yes, we have credit card facilities available for our headache and migraine patients.
Will I be able to drive after my treatment?
Yes, you can drive home after your treatment. For those travelling some distance we recommend you have a small break before driving home and also take regular stops to check your posture.
Can I get a migraine following treatment?
While we can never say never, It is very unlikely you will get a migraine after treatment, and if this does happen, it is likely you were brewing a migraine before you came to your appointment. With brain stem sensitisation, once the process has started it is difficult to ‘turn off’.
Headache and Migraine Clinic Book an Assessment
Are you unsure if the Headache & Migraine Clinic can help you? Would you like more information?
Simply complete the form below and one of our friendly team will be in touch to arrange an appointment or give you a call to discuss your symptoms and determine if our treatment is the right choice for you.